Monday, May 25, 2009

Custard Apples and Our View

Kelsey and Ben eating a Custard Apple. It's just exactly what it sounds like it is. A bumpy apple like fruit that tastes like vanilla custard. Very, very sweet. Do they sell them in the states? I've never tasted one before and the fellow at the farmer's market just kept going on and on about how sweet they are and how they are almost out of season. They're good with a little cinnamon sprinkled on top. They liked it but it was too sweet for me . The other two photos show the view from our balcony. You can see the CityCat, too.


  1. I want one! Can you send me one? :)

  2. ooo, nice patio view! does it still feel all foreigny or are you starting to settle in?
    now i'm dying to try a custard apple.
    :) khaire

  3. So, they don't sell them in the states?

    We are starting to feel very settled in. Learning the bus routes was the biggest thing that has helped. I can get almost anywhere now:)
